Thursday, May 7, 2009

Angelia_ Abstract

Orphaned Art

As the internet becomes more popular and more readily available everywhere, the importance of a successfully established and managed internet presence is usually self evident. Studies show that the Internet is more productive and has surpassed newspapers, radios, and magazines for information and research regarding products and services. This makes the Internet a favorite tool for artists to promote and expose their work to the public. However, with the transformation of copyright laws and the Orphan Works bill, artists have been at an ever-increasing risk of having their work stolen or misused. As a result, artists are torn between the benefits of posting online and protecting their work. With the Internet constantly evolving, it is essential that artists have a convenient way to lay claim to their work, making their property easily identifiable. Therefore, all art posted on the Internet should be registered in a new system that legally binds artists to their work, ensuring that due credit is received. Such a system will be able to connect with art communities and provide the opportunity for the artist to fill out information on the creative work before submitting it. These works would be filed in an archive, which can be accessed at any time if the original creator of a piece needs to be found. The system would work similarly to Google’s search engine, allowing users to search for original copyright holders and artists to ensure that their work is properly and legally copyrighted. This system protects artists from potential infringement and allows them to continue using the Internet to expand their careers.

The system that will maintain artists’ artwork online will be called______. The system will be privately maintained and owned. Images uploaded to the database will still be owned and copyrighted by the artist not by ______. Uploaded images will be run against all other images in the database system, this is a very similar operation like Milabra, one of the image recognition software. If the similarity is more than 80%, the server administrator will double check the
integrity and authenticity of the artwork before the artist can register it. Anytime someone wants to use an artist’s artwork, he/she has to first ask permission from the artist. Artists can specify how their artworks can be used and the compensations associated with it or they can be contacted if they prefer to do so. If such a deal would work out, _____ would also get a cut from the deal. That’s how they get money for operating this system. Once______’s website gets a lot of visitors, other companies would want to advertise there and there will be more revenues generated from advertising.

This system will benefit both the artists and _____.Artists can register and market their artworks for free and in return,_____ receives a portion of the revenue when someone wants to use artist’s artwork and also from advertising.

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