Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dennis Kutsenko's Abstract revision

Orphaned Art

As the Internet becomes more popular and readily available, the opportunity for copyright abuse continues to exist. To avoid this potentially lawless environment, it is important that appropriate legislation be established to provide rules and guidelines for productive operation. Studies show that the Internet is more productive and has surpassed newspapers, radios, and magazines for information and research regarding products and services. This makes the Internet a favorite tool for artists to promote and expose their work to the public. However, with the transformation of copyright laws and the Orphan Works bill which allows anyone to freely use images that do not have a clear owner, artists have been at an ever-increasing risk of having their work stolen or misused. As a result, artists are torn between the benefits of posting online and protecting their work.
With the Internet constantly evolving, it is essential that artists have a convenient way to lay claim to their work, making their property easily identifiable and all art posted on the Internet should be registered in a new system called ____ that legally binds artists to their work, ensuring that due credit is received. The ____ System will be able to connect with all art communities and provide the opportunity for the artist to fill out information on the creative work before submitting it. These works would be filed in an archive, which can be accessed at any time if the original creator of a piece needs to be found.
The system would work similarly to any search engine, allowing users to search for original copyright holders and artists to ensure that their work is properly and legally copyrighted. The way this would function is you would upload your work to a database and fill out an information section for each image so that your image can easily be located with proper credit.

This system protects artists from potential infringement and allows them to continue using the Internet to expand their careers. ____ will most likely be privately owned, so that it can be open and free of charge for everyone to use. ____ would be run by a small team of artists, which would then grow as the system expands. The creator of ___ will be responsible for all initial costs of the system until a donation method can be implemented as the system becomes accepted.

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